Selenium Grid on Cloud

Instant access to Cloud Selenium Grid of 3000+ desktop browsers & real mobile devices. Say goodbye to your internal Selenium Grid.

Now run your tests on Selenium Grid Online.

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Trusted by more than 50,000 customers globally


Real devices and browsers

Harness our Selenium Grid Online to start testing instantly on 3000+ real mobile devices and desktop browsers.

Parallel test runs

Run hundreds of tests concurrently to speed up the execution time of your test suite by more than 10x.

Seamless integration

Integrate in minutes using popular languages and frameworks. Add BrowserStack to your build pipeline using our CI plugins.

Test on dev environments

Test websites hosted on development environments or behind firewalls with zero setup or configuration.

Comprehensive debugging

Debug with ease using video recordings, automated screenshots of errors, text logs, console logs and network logs.

Security & Privacy

Tests run securely on tamper-proof physical devices and desktop VMs, wiped clean of data after every session. Read more about security.

Stories from our customers


Brian Lucas
Senior Staff Software Engineer

Optimizely lowers developer pain by moving testing to the cloud

Priyanka Halder
Senior Manager of Quality Engineering

GoodRx cuts testing time by 90% to release 15 times a day

Kateryna Glushchuk
Senior Product Manager

OLX delivers seamless experiences for a localized global audience

Martin Schneider
Delivery Manager

Asia’s largest classified marketplace uses BrowserStack to scale automation

Kanak Kalburgi
Senior Automation Engineer

Community marketplace Airtasker increases automation efficiency 12x

Hyunoo Park
Full Stack Engineer

Legal discovery platform Logikcull reduces test time by 73%

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Frequently Asked Questions

When do you opt for a Cloud Selenium Grid online?

Build vs Buy is a common question when deciding whether to opt for an in-house infrastructure or a cloud-based online solution. When you are looking for wider test coverage, then opting for a Cloud Selenium Grid online is a feasible option. With solutions like BrowserStack you get access to 3000+ real device and browser combinations. It allows you to run tests on different browser-device combinations simultaneously with parallel testing. When looking for a faster, feasible, and cost-effective testing solution for cross browser testing at scale, online Selenium Grid is the apt choice.

How can online Selenium Grid speed up your testing process?

Cloud Selenium Grid allows you to run tests on different device-browser combinations on different nodes simultaneously. This speeds up the whole testing process by leveraging Parallel Testing, enabling you to perform cross browser testing at scale. You can achieve wider test coverage within a short period of time by using online Selenium Grid.

What is a Selenium Grid on Cloud?

Selenium Grid refers to a software testing setup that enables QAs to perform parallel tests across multiple browsers and devices with unique operating systems. It is essentially a setup that makes the entire functionality of a Selenium Grid directly accessible using cloud-based servers. Thus, it is called Selenium Grid on Cloud.

Why do developers and testers prefer a Cloud Selenium Grid?

A Cloud Selenium Grid helps developers or testers address challenges associated with maintaining physical infrastructure. This is possible because the Cloud Selenium Grid provides users with an extensive range of device-browser combinations to test on. Besides, testers do not need to worry about maintaining or updating devices or browsers. That is taken care of by the Cloud Selenium Grid

What are the advantages of moving your in-house Selenium Grid to the Cloud?

Migrating an in-house Selenium Grid to the cloud makes automated testing of web applications independent of physical infrastructure. This eliminates the need to purchase and maintain devices to test on. A Selenium Cloud also provides high availability which reduces the risk of downtime.

Why should you run Selenium Tests on Cloud?

Selenium Testing on Cloud makes it possible for QAs to perform extensive testing across numerous combinations of browsers and devices. This ensures that a web application is thoroughly tested for usability and functionality before it is released to end-users.

How to perform cloud test automation using Selenium Grid online?

One must start with getting perfect clarity on test requirements. Then, search for a platform that provides a cloud-based Selenium Grid that meets these requirements. This will help testers ensure that their web app is thoroughly tested for a vast number of device-browser combinations.

Follow the steps below to set up Selenium Grid online:

Check out Selenium Grid Tutorial for detailed steps.

How does BrowserStack Automate help make this a seamless transition?

BrowserStack Automate provides instant access to a Selenium Grid of 3000+ browsers and real devices that help you perform automated tests via the cloud. It eliminates any need for creating and maintaining in-house device labs or personal Selenium Grids. One can simply Signup and get started for free.