Fill in the application form and post it with payment.
Get the certificateCompany checks may take up to 10 business days. Allow extra time for postage.
You can only ask us to do a national police check on an Australian company if:
For example, you might need a certificate detailing any convictions or charges pending against a company as part of an Aged Care Provider application, or when applying for an ACT:
The company check will detail court outcome information we have received.
It may be incomplete if any court or regulatory agency has not given us information about an offence.
If you need us to do a national police check on your personal offender history, visit National Police Certificate checks.
We use the identity documents you send us to prepare your certificate and verify your identity. You need to send us identity documents worth at least 100 points in total.
If you can't meet 100 points, contact us.
You will need to photocopy your documents to attach to your application.
You will also need to send us details of other names by which you are, or have been, known.
You must include a letter from the company you are asking us to check. It must be printed on official company letterhead and include:
We may contact the person signing the letter if we need verbal authority.
If you are the owner of the company, provide a copy of the Certificate of the Registration of a Company.
If any of these details are missing, we will send the application back to you to correct and resubmit.
To get a company check, you must send your application by post.
When you fill in the form, make sure to complete all the details at the top of the form and in the shaded area.
If possible, fill it in on your computer and print the completed form.
We will delete emailed applications and any attachments. If you email us, we'll get in touch with you and advise you to post the application.
Post to:
Australian Federal Police
Criminal Records Vetting Team – Mail Point 425
GPO Box 401
You can't lodge your application at a police station.
Company checks can take up to 10 business days to complete. Allow extra time for postage.
If you have not received your check in this time frame, you can ask about its status.
A company check costs $47 and is exempt from GST.
Credit card payments attract a surcharge. We don't accept cheques or money orders.