Writer Ghostwriter Agreement

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This agreement ("Agreement") is between , henceforth referred to as "Author," and , henceforth referred to as "Ghostwriter," and is executed this day of , .

Author and Ghostwriter are entering into this Agreement for the purposes of completing , herein referred to as the "Work." As such, Author and Ghostwriter agree to the following provisions:

Plagiarism . Ghostwriter agrees that all Work created for Author is own unique work, and does not borrow from any other copyrighted work.

Deadline. Ghostwriter will have of the Work done by . .

Payment. Payment for the Work will be delivered according to the following schedule: .

Royalties. Ghostwriter will not be entitled to any royalties, residuals, or commissions upon the sale of the work. Total payment for Ghostwriter is , payable according to the terms listed above.

Copyrights. Author will own the Work, including any copyrights and sale or distribution rights.

Credit. Credit for the Work will .

Confidentiality. Ghostwriter acknowledges that will have access to certain privileged information during the course of this project. Ghostwriter agrees to keep all information confidential from any and all third parties, during and after the course of this project.

Termination. Author have the right to terminate this Agreement at any point. Should Author terminate the Ghostwriter's services, Author will be required to pay Ghostwriter for completed work, according to the provisions outlined in the "Payment" section of this Agreement. Similarly, Ghostwriter have the right to end this Agreement at any point. .

Author and Ghostwriter agree to the above terms, and undersign here to that effect.

________________________________ ________________________________
Author Name Ghostwriter Name

________________________________ ________________________________
Author Signature Ghostwriter Signature

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Formatted and ready to use with Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or any other word processor that can open the .DOC file format.

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